The Chatbox
There will be times when you want to say something to the group or to a specific person, or you might have a question and don’t want to interrupt those who are speaking, you can use the chatbox to send those messages.
The chatbox can be seen on the right side of the Hangouts window.
It can be shown or hidden by clicking the chat button on the menu on the left.
Using the chatbox is easy. Just type in your message and press enter. You will also see here messages by others. Note that this chat is open to all those who are in the Hangout.
Things you can use the chatbox
* Prayer requests and praises. While there is an allotted time to gather prayer request, you could still use the chatbox so you can say more (sometimes, it’s easier to write something than to say it).
* Additional questions or clarifications regarding the topic discussed
* Questions not directly connected to the topic discussed or questions that might bring the discussion off track.
* A big “AMEN” to the answer of your co-participant.
* Comments on the teaching video.
* Other comments and suggestions.
The chat will be captured by the group leader.Questions might not be answered at that moment but your group leader will definitely get back to you on those questions.