Time to Update Your Resume

While watching this past week’s iStudy lecture, I learned I had an additional job title I needed to add to my resume – Thought Bouncer.  Listen to Micki Harding as she explains what that means:

Now, when I consider if I have what it takes to be a real bouncer, like a nightclub bouncer, I laugh.  There is NO way I could be a nightclub bouncer.  I am 5’2” on a good day with not much upper body strength.  My 63 pound dog can pull me around like a Kleenex tied to a string.  So, a real bouncer? No way.  But, a “thought bouncer”?  Now, that is something I could do; especially with God’s help.

All of us have thoughts and ideas rolling around in our heads that are not beneficial to ourselves or those we love. The real work comes in when you try and “bounce” these thoughts out of your mind. Memorizing God’s scripture is the most effective way of bouncing wrong thinking or evil thoughts. When I was younger, these were my “go to” verses that helped bounce many fearful thoughts out of my mind:

“I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13 ESV

Another great line of defense is singing praise and worship songs in your mind. This week I read a great truth in a fictional book: “Praise is a mighty weapon”. Amen. Praising Jesus sets your mind on truth. And when your mind is filled with truth, there is no room for wrong thoughts.

Challenge yourself this week to become a thought bouncer.

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