In Alison’s teaching about the results of the Holy Spirit coming to empower, indwell, and fill the believer, she talks about how God, like a gracious loving parent, involves us in His work. Please watch the video segment as Alison reveals how this gift of the Holy Spirit manifested Himself on the Day of Pentecost.

It is quite clear as we read through the book of Acts that it is the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of the believer that makes the difference between being ordinary and extraordinary. God expects a lot out of us because He has given so much to us. The Holy Spirit in the believer will impact others for Christ, as the Holy Spirit within us is eager for us to glorify Christ. He who leads and guides us into the Truth, wants us to share that truth with others.

Jack Graham shares the following story that makes this point quite well:

I have a good friend who was visiting Israel some time ago, and he came upon a Bedouin shepherd out in the desert. He struck up a conversation with him, which led to talking with him about Jesus Christ. So he shared the Gospel.

At some point during the conversation, the Bedouin said, “I see… you’re keeping yourself from committing the sin of the desert.”

“What’s the sin of the desert?” my friend replied.

“The sin of the desert is the sin of silence. It’s knowing where there is water and not telling anyone else where it is!”

The Holy Spirit will also make a difference in the unity and harmony and warmth of love that is manifested toward one another within the body of Christ. The early church was not practicing a form of Christian communism. Communism says, “What is yours is mine.” Capitalism says, “What is mine is mine.” Christianity says, “What is mine is yours” as we willingly share what we have with others in need within the body of Christ.

In light of the Holy Spirit’s work within the believer, Alison asks the following questions:

  • So what does God’s revelation of Himself to those in your sphere of influence look like?
  • Are you known for the praise you bring to God?
  • Will you ask the Spirit to reveal more of Jesus through you?
  • Are you quick to speak about the lessons you are learning in Bible study?
  • Will you ask the Spirit to glorify God through your words and actions?

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