“We are responsible for how we react to revelations from God.” Humbling thought, isn’t it?

Teaching Leader Mike Harding shared this idea from Mark 3:11-12 in iStudy this week.

Revelation from God is a gift. What do you do with that gift? How do you respond to that revelation? Do you turn your back on God and his truth? Or, do you embrace it and allow it to change you? God gives each of us opportunities to choose Him and learn more.

“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5

Each of us needs to make the decision to become part of God’s team when the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of understanding. Don’t miss the opportunity to take head knowledge and turn it into heart knowledge by daily living out God’s revelations.

iStudy is a new and exciting way to “do” Bible study. Through online group discussion using Google+ hangouts, lesson notes, personal daily study, and a focused teaching, we learn God’s truth directly from His revelation of Himself and life – the Bible – without man’s spin. We iStudy to learn, love and live out the Truth. We have opening at various times weekly if you care to plug-in. Get Started!