Jesus! Help me, Jesus!
What I heard as I watched horrified as a 4 wheeler driven by my wife Micki disappeared into a 30’ deep gulch.

God had called us on a mission of love which He would use to bring glory to Himself and allow us to personally experience His miraculous love.
After the home-going of our beloved friend and mentor, we took his wife to visit their daughter and family at Flat Tire Farm in Nebraska. After accompanying their son-in-law on 4 wheelers to check some of their cows and calves at a 1000 acre rugged pasture an hour from their farm, we were just completing the check when Micki’s quad got caught in a cow path/rut.
While she tried to steer out of it, the quad went over the brink of the gulch, went out of sight over a sheer wall and flipped throwing Micki one way as the quad (thankfully!) went the other. Our host heard her scream, “Jesus!” saw her blond head flying out of sight and immediately thought we lost her, she’s dead. But Jesus heard her cry and His loving arms guided Micki to land on earth rather than the nearby bedrock boulders which would have killed her instantly.
The truth is: “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” Prov 18:10

The notes from the iStudy of James Lesson 2 state “…James warned that Christians were not to play games with God. They were wholeheartedly to expect He would meet their needs, asking with full faith.” Micki lived out this full faith since at no time did she experience fear! Full faith results from learning of God, loving Him and living out His Truth – the motto and aim of iStudy.
Thank God for his Faithfulness! GOD bless you both and your ministry.