Online Bible Study For Women

Women’s Groups Morning, Noon & Night


Whether you are single or married, with or without children, whatever life stage you are in, the ease of access to iStudy, the encouragement it provides to daily get into the Word, and the eternal investment of Bible study, make iStudy a compelling idea whose time has come.

New friends: When you sign up, you will be amazed to find Christian sisters who love Jesus like you do, next door, in far away states or even other countries.

Connectedness: Sister, mother, best friend miles away? Geography does not limit your ability to join a Bible study with a Christian sister who is far away. You both need to select a study day and time and when you sign up, ask to be placed with each other. Of course, the earlier you sign up, the better.

Career women: Our early morning or evening groups offer you fellowship without having to brave the dark or the elements.

Retired women: No matter the pace of your retirement years, whether relaxed or frenetic, you can join an iStudy when it suits you.

At home moms: Find a group that works around your family’s schedule. Daytime or evening groups are both available.

Homeschool moms: iStudy offers flexibility around your school day and other activities, such as co-ops. Click here for more information just for you.

To get started in iStudy today, click here.